This will be a significant achievement given there is a global movement for floorball to become an Olympic sport in the future. Newcastle has been the host of many 3 on 3 events at community events such as the Maritime Festival, Mattara, and energyaustralia SURFEST. The latter was the most successful event and a reward for hours of back breaking work, especially by Newcastle Formworks Construction who took extreme interest in presenting floorball to the 50,000 crowd plus international media. On the full court scene, Newcastle has been a strong force in promoting and playing IFF standard floorball in NSW and has a driving ambition to lead the way in floorball event management and tourism.
As noted above in the official logo above, there will be wheelchair, jnrs, Womens, and Mens divisions. To coincide with the 2003 AFACCs, there will be an outdoor division to be contested April 3rd to 6th.
This will be on Newcastle Beach and provide a spectacular warm-up to the full court version. Through these two weeks of action there will be over 200 volunteers involved, up to 1000 players and $1 million into the Newcastle economy. Legacies of qualified referees and coaches are also expected to be left behind for the benefit of Newcastle